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Ear Disease and Video Otoscopy
Dog ear infections are a typical problem for many pet owners.

One of the most typical reasons that pet owners bring their animals to a veterinarian dermatologist is chronic ear disease. Ear disease frequently recurs and persists in dogs due to incomplete or ineffective therapies and failure to identify the underlying cause. Video otoscopy has revolutionized dermatologist treatment of ear infections because it gives exceptional clarity for examining the condition of the ear canal, eardrum, and, on rare occasions, middle ear.
The use of a tiny rigid otoscope with a built-in camera that may be inserted into the ear canal is known as video otoscopy. The picture is then shown on a screen, allowing for magnification and greater clarity in viewing the inner ear canal and structures. Small channels cut into the instrument will enable it to be passed down the auditory canal for a more thorough cleaning, polyp or tumor removal, and other procedures. Video otoscopy is frequently responsible for many months’ worth of painlessness versus days with video otoscopic surgery (VOS).
Video otoscopy is a particular type of endoscopic examination that uses video magnification to view the ear’s interior. The ear canal and middle ear are quite sensitive; thus, general anesthesia is frequently required for this procedure due to the need for an utterly motionless patient while performing it. Video otoscopy may be needed just once in some circumstances. In contrast, it might be necessary to perform it on multiple occasions over time to handle a specific infection or difficult situation in other situations.
Ear Disease FAQs
What are common ear issues in pets?
Ear problems in dogs and cats are a frequent occurrence for many pet owners. Ear infections, itchy ears caused by allergy or ear mites, polyps or tumors inside the ear canal, and other issues can all be seen. Veterinary dermatologists can help diagnose and treat severe or recurring ear conditions.
What are causes of ear problems in pets?
Ear diseases in dogs and cats may be caused by a variety of issues, including infections, allergies, polyps, and tumors. Allergies (both environmental and food) are the most prevalent causes of inflammation, itching, and secondary infections in dogs and cats. Consult your veterinarian or a veterinary dermatologist if your pet’s ear problems persist or recur frequently. Veterinary dermatologists specialize in difficult-to-treat as well as recurrent ear conditions.
How can I prevent ear issues with my pet?
A variety of diseases can cause ear problems in dogs and cats, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to prevent them in all pets. However, for those prone to recurrent ear infections, a regular cleaning with an appropriate ear cleanser may help prevent or minimize recurrences of the disease. If you find that your pet’s ears need to be cleaned more often than once a week, there is a chance they have a deeper issue that a veterinarian or veterinary dermatologist should address.
What is video otoscopy?
The use of a tiny rigid otoscope with a camera that can be inserted into the ear canal is known as video otoscopy. The picture is then projected on a screen for close inspection of the deeper ear canal and components, allowing magnification and greater clarity. Small channels within the otoscope allow instruments to be passed into the ear canal for a more thorough cleaning, polyp or tumor removal, and other procedures. In many cases, video otoscopy may make the difference between months of frustration and an expedient cure of infection and illness.
Veterinary dermatologists specializing in diagnosing and treating complex, recurrent ear problems are the most common practitioners for audiovestibular otoscopy.