Pet Dermatology Blog

Check out the latest educational articles and tips from the Missouri Veterinary Dermatology Center team!

How to Prevent Hairballs

How to Prevent Hairballs

How to Prevent Hairballs   There's a whole day dedicated to hairballs! As a cat owner, you likely don’t need a special day to draw attention to your cat’s hairballs, but April 29 is National Hairball Awareness Day. Let’s take a closer look at why hairballs occur...

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6 Signs Your Pet May Have Allergies

6 Signs Your Pet May Have Allergies

Spring is prime allergy seasons for people and pets alike. But, while you sniffle and sneeze your way through the spring months, you may notice that your pet does not experience the same symptoms. While the mechanism for allergies is the same—the body’s immune system...

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