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In-Clinic Pet Diagnostic Testing in St. Louis Metro

Learn more about the different ways the team at Missouri Veterinary Dermatology Center can help your pet.

Skin disorders can manifest in a variety of ways. The good news is that the problem is frequently right there for the seeing. This enables easy and rapid diagnosis by directly examining lesions and simple diagnostic testing.

Veterinarians and staff at Missouri Veterinary Dermatology Center are thoroughly trained to perform these tests on-site and analyze them in our laboratory, providing results in minutes rather than days. Instead of waiting for test findings that may be sent to outside laboratories, this allows for more rapid and accurate treatment decisions.

Impression smear cytology, superficial or deep skin scrapes, trichography, fungal cultures, and in-house blood testing are some of the tests that may be done during an exam. Some testing, such as skin biopsies, bacterial cultures, and certain blood testing, may be sent to an outside reference laboratory for analysis.

Pet Diagnostics FAQs

What is cytology?

Cytology (cytological examination) is a non-invasive technique that can provide significant value in detecting and reassessing skin and ear diseases. The study of samples taken from a patient to see whether they have any abnormalities to obtain more information or evidence for a certain illness is known as cytology. This may be particularly beneficial in determining skin infections and ear problems, but it could also aid the early diagnosis of autoimmune disorders and some types of cancer.

How is a cytology test done?
Cytology, impression smear cytology or diagnostic cytology is a laboratory procedure for obtaining samples from a patient in order to study them under a microscope for additional information and evidence of disease. Samples may be taken with a cotton swab by rubbing a microscope slide on the area to be studied, or they can be obtained by using blades or forceps to scrape sections from other surfaces. The samples are then stained and viewed under a microscope.
How accurate is cytology?

Cytology, impression smear cytology or diagnostic cytology is the process of obtaining tissue from a single animal. This material is then viewed microscopically and evaluated. Its usefulness and accuracy are determined by the disease or condition being investigated, the type of sample that may be acquired, and the skill of the evaluator. Cytology can be quite precise in diagnosing bacterial or yeast infections, but it isn’t typically used to diagnose skin cancer because it isn’t as accurate as other methods.

What do blood and urine tests show?
Tests on blood and urine in animals can help us understand a variety of body systems. Tests on blood and urine obtained from laboratory animals may reveal information about liver and kidney function, anemia, thyroid function, and several other systems. These tests provide critical insight into what’s going on inside the body that can’t be readily observed from the outside. Periodic blood and urine testing might also identify early disease development before outward symptoms appear.
How long do blood and urine results take?

The timing of blood test results is determined by the type of test being performed. Some tests, such as complete blood count and biochemistry panels, can be done in-clinic, which may result in test results being available during the visit. Results are generally ready within 1-3 days if sent to an external laboratory.